A vital element of faithful Evangelical Churches is the scripturally mandated support of Missions, both foreign and domestic.  County Line Community Church presently supports several missionaries that span the globe from Bangladesh to Japan.  Our goal is to faithfully uphold our missionaries in prayer, as well as assisting them financially by regular contributions to their needs.

Since January 2019,  CLCC has financially supported a broad collective of local para-church ministries as part of our missions plan. We are partnering with; Barnabas Ministries, Coopersville Cares Forgotten Man Ministries and Love INC.  Each of these ministries offers assistance to segments of the greater west Michigan community with unique needs beyond the physical walls of our church.  It is an honor to work along side them to expand sincere Christian love to those in need.

ABWE missionaries to Peru, John and Wendy Patton, recently reported some health issues that John has been dealing with during their furlough in west Michigan.  Please keep John and the Patton family in your prayers.

Bangla Ministries Dave DeCook visited in April 2023 with an update of blessings within BMW.  Their approach in training up young believers to share the gospel in their native country reflects a shift in missions in the 21st century.

Career missionary Marlene Schutter is in the process of transitioning into retirment in west Michigan, after many years serving with Wycliffe and CTEN. She is planning a final trip to PNG in 2024.

In a recent email, missionaries to Germany Steve and Becky Dye related their calling to a new area of ministry in the USA.  Steve was offered and prayerfully accepted a position at Cedarville College, so their final term with ABWE concludes the end of June 2024.

ABWE missionaries to Japan, Chris and Donna Sadowitz, are scheduled to visit County Line on Sunday April April 7, to give a report of their work. It has been several years and we are greatly looking forward to their personal updates.

ABWE career missionaries, Doug and Sharon Martin, have had a wide global exposure from Eastern Europe to their currrent leadership role at mission headquarters in PA. Doug is an innovator and is used by the Lord to expand ministries into undeveloped strategies.